A Princess of Mars (Barsoom/John Carter of Mars #1) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
A Classic Sci-Fi Novel Originally published 1912 in a magazine serial. (1917 in book form) Since the movie John Carter is coming out in a couple of months I decided to go back and re-read the original of the 11 books that Burroughs wrote about Mars (or, as he calls it, Barsoom). I originally read the entire series, or at least most of it, nearly 30 years ago, when I was in high school. I must admit, I was struck by the art of Michael Whelen's cover more than anything else when I first picked it up and my circle of friends read at least some of them. I remembered them fondly but found myself very vague on the specifics. I remembered the Princess was very beautiful and there were multiple races on Mars and that some had four arms and that Carter, a former Confederate soldier, traveled from Earth to Mars in some kind of psychic manner and that there was a lot of fighting. Turns out, what I took as a poor memory was actually pretty accurate. The Princess is beaut...