The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy by Thomas Sowell
Good, but needed more detail Thomas Sowell , a noted conservative thinker and a genuinely interesting person (I've heard him as a guest on a local radio station several times) writes an effective book against the actions of those whom he calls 'The Annointed.' The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy is effective, but not a great work. Who are The Annointed ? He uses the term in a sarcastic way here to illuminate those 'Teflon prophets' (he uses that term because some of them are still considered credible despite no evidence that their predictions have ever come true) that scream doom and gloom and offer the direst of predictions unless we immediately give them the power to save us - since we are too simple to see the problem for ourselves and take the actions needed to save ourselves. Thomas Sowell It does not necessarily need to be someone with world-shaking problems, like Paul Ehrlich and his populatio...