Defiant Joy: The Remarkable Life & Impact of G.K. Chesterton by Kevin Belmonte

A great introduction to a terrifically important writer For most people, including this reviewer, C.S. Lewis was the gateway to G.K. Chesterton. Lewis, of course, is famous for being THE Christian apologist for his generation - a man who did not believe but then, after his conversion, was able to voice the thoughts and beliefs for millions with such landmark books as Mere Christianity . When I found out that it was the writings of G.K. Chesterton that helped to convert Lewis I had to start to looking into Chesterton (fortunately I have a Kindle - they have more than 2 dozen Chesterton books and essays for free, so I was able to get my feet wet in the ocean of writing that Chesterton produced without any worries). That being said, I am a relative newbie to Chesterton so this biography was a welcome addition to my on again off again studies of the man. Rather than give a blow by blow book report of this biography, I'll outline its general st...