
Showing posts with the label Tony Dungy

You Can Do It! by Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy scores big with this children's book (a dual review - DWD's 8 year-old daughter as co-reviewer) Tony Dungy is a successful author, family man, public speaker, and a fine example of how to be a Christian gentlemen. Oh, he also manages to coach an NFL team in my city, the Indianapolis Colts. Tony Dungy In You Can Do It Tony takes us back to his childhood in Michigan and tells the story of his little brother, Linden, who is a cut-up in class but can't seem to find his way. He can't figure out what is his "it". Tony is an athlete. His sisters take care of animals. What is his thing, his "it"? To Dungy's credit, the story is simple, but not preachy and not so simple that it bores the adult reader. I read right to the end and was genuinely interested in seeing how it came out. The illustrations are perfect and really help tell the story. My daughter, an 8 year-old and an excellent reader liked the story as well. She li...