The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher C. Horner
"Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing." Published in 2007 by Regnery Publishing 366 pages I am a former environmentalist. Quotes like the one in my title (from Tim Wirth, a former Senator and Clinton State Department official) pushed me to be a FORMER environmentalist. Now I am a conservationist. I do believe some wild spaces should be saved. I recycle (A lot!). I coordinate my school's paper recycling program. I own several of those little fluorescent bulbs and I use them every day. I don't spray chemicals all over my yard. I don't dump motor oil down the drain. I pick up garbage when I walk the dog. I go camping. I go to the Earth Day celebration in downtown Indianapolis because it's a great place to get information on clean-up events and they give away free trees! I also love it when they assume that I must be an ultra-liberal just to be there! Now that I've said all of this, let me say ...