
Showing posts with the label christopher horner

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher C. Horner

"Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing." Published in 2007 by Regnery Publishing 366 pages I am a former environmentalist. Quotes like the one in my title (from Tim Wirth, a former Senator and Clinton State Department official) pushed me to be a FORMER environmentalist. Now I am a conservationist. I do believe some wild spaces should be saved. I recycle (A lot!). I coordinate my school's paper recycling program. I own several of those little fluorescent bulbs and I use them every day. I don't spray chemicals all over my yard. I don't dump motor oil down the drain. I pick up garbage when I walk the dog. I go camping. I go to the Earth Day celebration in downtown Indianapolis because it's a great place to get information on clean-up events and they give away free trees! I also love it when they assume that I must be an ultra-liberal just to be there! Now that I've said all of this, let me say ...

Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed by Christopher C. Horner

An answer to those who find it "completely immoral, even to question" the scientific "consensus" I t was UN special climate envoy Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland who declared that it was "completely immoral, even to question" the UN's authority and scientific consensus about global warming. (pp 307-8) Quotes like that make a free speech-loving teacher angry. Isn't science about questioning? Isn't peer-reviewing about questioning? I guess that's why I teach history, government and economics and not science. In the old days I used to be an alarmist. I showed proto-versions of An Inconvenient Truth to middle schoolers that told them the oceans would be dead by the year 2000 if we did not stop throwing plastic pop can holders into the sea (my students lived in Indiana so I guess they weren't much of a threat to the sea anyway). However, my training as a junior historian finally kicked in and I started looking around for other...

Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America by Christopher Horner

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." -Barack Obama Nov. 2008 Power Grab: How Obama's Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America is Chris Horner's third book in a series of books about the global warming "crisis" is a mind-numbingly well-researched expose on the Obama administration's plan for fighting global warming and creating thousands and thousands of green jobs. Horner is an attorney and knows well the value of research. He uses hundreds of direct quotes from Obama, his appointees, members of Congress and members of environmental groups to show you where the administration has moved and is likely to continue moving. Even more damning is the knowledge that many members of the EU have already taken this actions and they are now backing off from them. Christopher C. Horner Horner's impeccable research is so strong, so deep (more than 800 endnotes fill more than 8...