CODE BLOOD by Kurt Kamm

The twisted tale of a paramedic, an albino with a vampire fetish and a blood researcher... Published in 2012 by MCM Publishing Code Blood is the story of three people whose lives are tied together in this thriller but barely interact throughout the book. Photo by Werner Vermaak Colt Lewis is a brand new paramedic in the Los Angeles area who is struggling with the emotional toll this sort of job can cause. He is an open young man who became a paramedic because he truly cares about people and wants to help them. But, he is struggling with the reality that some of the victims he helps just cannot be saved. He keeps on going back to his first run and the beautiful young woman who was found on the side of the road after having been hit by a hit and run driver. She died while Colt was reassuring her because her foot had been amputated in the accident. Strangely, the foot was never found and Colt starts to obsess about this woman, the tragic loss of such a young life and the total cr...