THE FAULT in OUR STARS by John Green

I teach high school. This book exploded onto the scene 6 years ago. It was everywhere. Girls carried it around. Boys read it on the sly. Even if boys didn't read it, they knew the basics of the plot.

But, I had never gotten around to reading it. But, after hearing so much about John Green and his podcasts from my own high schooler and after seeing him on my adopted hometown's PBS station (same adopted hometown as John Green - Indianapolis) discuss books with Andrew Luck of the Indianapolis Colts, I finally decided to read this book. deserves all of the hype.

The kids sound like kids - exceptional ones to be sure, but they sound like kids. Kids who have been dealt a very bad hand in life and are still trying to figure out what it means to be a grown up, what it means to fall in love and what it means be alive. They are sarcastic, inexperienced and smart.

What kind of book is it? It's the kind of book where you laugh out loud on one page and cry one the next - literally.

I rate this book 5 stars out of 5. It can be found on here: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

Note: this book has been challenged and banned in schools and libraries, which means I am glad that I have read it. Check out this site for more info.


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