
There's A Word For It In Mexico by Boye Lafayette de Mente

Flawed but extremely useful I read this book the way it was not intended to be read - straight through, rather than using it like a dictionary. It can get a bit repetitive as the author tries to fully explain how Mexico's history has caused their culture to react certain ways and to see things as they do. I must have read the sordid history of the Conquest of Mexico and its exploitation by both Church and Spain 25 times. The cultural elements are well-explained, very informative and usually well-written. FREQUENT spelling errors mar the book as do occasional historical errors. His math facts concerning the growth of the Mestizo population in Mexico also conflict with one another, depending on the entry you read. Was the book valuable? Yes, and not just to the traveler to Mexico. If you live near or work with Hispanics in the United States it will also be of considerable value. Despite the flaws that I mentioned above, I am still giving this book 4 Stars out of 5. This b

Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock

Heaven's Mirror was an interesting read. Graham's Hancock's theories are infectious and at times you find yourself marveling at all of the wonderful coincidences and halfway believing him. Other times, he takes liberal use of supposition (even going so far as to suppose what Albert Einstein would have thought of one of his ideas) and he throws out so many ideas that he reminds me of a desperate defense attorney who throws out any idea to throw doubt on the prosecutor's case. Here, Mr. Hancock throws out any number of theories, including Atlantis; aliens (but never says it - but he leads you that way); Egyptians coming to Europe, Asia, South America and Polynesia; the use of magic or an unknown force to build ancient megaliths and more. I enjoyed the book but there are occasional bad photographs that mar the book - he refers to one picture two or three different times and the picture is not clear - the image has been worn too much over time. That would have been th

Louis L'Amour's The Sacketts DVD

Fantastic cast, poorly written 1979 movie with two main plot lines that barely interact If I told you I had a western based on Louis L'Amour books starring Glenn Ford, Ben Johnson, Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott with Slim Pickens and Jack Elam as supporting actors you'd think you'd found yourself a piece of cinematic gold. Well, you'd be dead wrong in the case of Louis L'Amour's The Sacketts. Sam Elliott is the eldest Sackett brother who is living in Purgatorie, a piece of God-forsaken mountainous wasteland in what must be northern New Mexico. Tom Selleck and Jeff Osterhage are two younger brothers who become cowhands and later sheriff and deputy of Santa Fe. The two plot lines interact only twice - once to hand the Ben Johnson character off from Tom Selleck to Sam Elliott (Johnson is great, as always, playing second fiddle and making every scene he's in better) and in the climactic fight scene that ends the movie. The Sam Elliott plotline is the best

The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns

Touching, Powerful Look at Extreme Poverty and at What Christians Can Do Richard Stearns has been the president of World Vision U.S. , perhaps the leading Christian relief organization in the world, since 1998. In The Hole In Our Gospel Stearns lays out powerful, persuasive arguments for the need for Christians to act out their faith, especially when helping "the least of these." (Matthew 25:40) The book's title comes from the visual image of literally cutting out the parts of the Bible that are uncomfortable for you. Stearns asserts that we have cut out the parts that demand the church act because of a desire to avoid the concept of doing good works to get into heaven. Clearly, the Bible states that faith alone is all that is required. The church has stopped with that and is ignoring the opportunities to do good works in the name of Christ. Stearns is quick to affirm that good works without faith is pointless for salvation. But, he is fond of quoting Matthew 25

Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession by Anne Rice

An amazing tale, fascinating to this non-Catholic Christian (a review of the audiobook) Running time: 7 hours, 9 minutes 6 CDs Read by Kirsten Potter Let me start this review by saying three things: 1) I am not a Catholic (I am a Lutheran); 2) I have never left the faith in any meaningful way; 3) This is my first Anne Rice book - I've never even seen more than a tiny bit the Tom Cruise movie. I have never had much interest in the topic of Vampires and Vampire LeStat series was literally of no interest to me. When I noticed that Rice was writing the Christ the Lord series I had the same thought that she expressed in this book - what is she going to do to mess with Jesus? So, I ignored that as well. But, when I ran across this audiobook I suddenly grew interested and I was not disappointed. The book is broken into three general sections: her childhood in New Orleans, her college/career/atheism and her return to Catholicism. The childhood section is deeply descript

Almost America: From the Colonists to Clinton: a "What If" History of the U.S. by Steve Tally

Very good despite a few little factual errors. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Some of these are really thought-provoking and well thought out. I especially enjoyed the one concerning Teddy Roosevelt following through with his plan to ban college football unless they did something to curb the extreme violence (23 young men died in the 1905 season). The consequences were interesting and I thought very plausible. The book is marred by a few factual errors. They really are not terribly important to the outcome of the author's alternate histories but show a sloppiness in editing. Some examples are placing the Revolutionary War fort of Kaskaskia in present-day Kentucky when it is actually in Illinois and saying that people blamed Lincoln's assassination on people who were wanting to revive the Union cause (obviously the Union cause was in great shape by the point of the war - I assume his editors did not catch it and he meant to say Confederate). Despite the errors, the b

Tides of War by Douglas Muir

OK thriller with a feature that irritated me to no end... A short summary: Set on the eve of the D-day invasion, the book features American Lt. Skeet Merrill and his ultra-lovely female spy partner, a Norwegian named Sigi Peterson. Their goal is to disrupt the German U-boats that are massing at a French shipyard in order to deploy against the Allied armada about to launch the invasion at Normandy. The book is full of intrigue all around - is the U-Boat captain truly a loyal German? What are Sigi's secret orders? Which members of the French Resistance can be trusted? Who will Sigi sleep with next? My review: It is a tolerable thriller with a very irritating feature about the writing - how the author treats a Dutch member of the French Resistance, Erika Vermeer. Erika is a lesbian - a fact that we are never allowed to forget since the author constantly refers to her as "the lesbian" (as in, "the lesbian crossed the room" and "the lesbian sat qui